"Des nounours envahissent les rues de Paris". "Les nounours des Gobelins sont de retour, prêts à partir à la conquête de Paris". "Paris: Qui sont ces nounours qui envahissent le quartier des Gobelins?" (in French). ^ a b c Amélie Lepage (22 November 2018).^ a b c "Des lieux parisiens envahis par des nounours géants pour que les gens 'arrêtent de faire la gueule' " (in French).

"Pour enchanter le quotidien, un libraire sème des nounours dans Paris". "Paris: Pourquoi des nounours ont envahi un quartier de la capitale?". ^ a b c Mathieu Marin (14 December 2018)."Paris: l'incroyable buzz des nounours géants des Gobelins". ^ a b c d e Céline Carez (21 November 2018)."Invasion de nounours géants dans le quartier des Gobelins à Paris". ^ a b c d e f g Élodie Falco (28 November 2018).During the lockdown in spring 2020, they reminded people of social distancing by wearing masks and carrying attestations granting permission to be outside, and they continued to sit in closed restaurants after lockdown ended. ĭuring the COVID-19 pandemic, Labourel increased the number of bears and distributed them more widely throughout Paris.

Now they call me Philippe." He has suggested that they are "from Central Europe" and left because of deforestation he has also said his own teddy bear, Gorille (Gorilla) complained about not having a teddy of his own. Labourel bought them himself and says, "I've been working here for 25 years. The approximately 50 bears (only Labourel knows the exact number) are not for advertising, but purely to bring joy, particularly locally. Expected to reappear in late 2019, they returned in April Labourel announced in the summer that there had been a teddy bear wedding, attended by 2,800 people, and that the bears would expand out of the neighbourhood into other avenues. The bears went into hibernation after a goodbye dinner at a local restaurant held on New Year's Day and a final appearance at the mairie on 7 January, at the end of the Christmas season. The ad hoc group Protection des Ours des Gobelins Organisée (POGO: Organised Protection of the Gobelins Bears) reportedly guards against theft and mistreatment of the teddies. On the associated Facebook page, which is run by a local pharmacist and had 225,000 views as of 22 November 2018, photos and videos by borrowers have been uploaded of the bears seeing the sights of Paris, riding around on a scooter, drinking at a bar and suffering the after-effects, and being treated for injuries at a clinic.
Initially offered to six neighbouring businesses, they have since been sighted in all the other businesses on the avenue, at bus stops, on the sign pole of the Métro station, in the windows of the mairie (town hall) of the 13th arrondissement, on the Place d'Italie, 37 were photographed in the windows of the Grand Hôtel des Gobelins, and a police station borrowed two and named them Starsky and Hutch. They are 1.4 metres (4 ft 7 in) tall and weigh 4.9 kilograms (11 lb), except for one at 2.4 metres (7 ft 10 in). Philippe Labourel, the owner of a book shop at 25 Avenue des Gobelins, posed a large teddy bear in his window in June 2018 and in mid-October began making them available on request for 48 hours and posting the resulting photos on social media. The Gobelins neighbourhood lies on the border between the 13th and 5th arrondissements, around the Gobelins Manufactory and the Les Gobelins Paris Métro station. Photographs of them in human poses in various local and wider Parisian settings have been widely circulated.

In October 2018, the owner of a book shop in the Gobelins neighbourhood in the 13th arrondissement of Paris began lending out oversized teddy bears. I have kept my diaries since 3th grade in my “memory lane” box.Nounours des Gobelins at Deux Magots in Paris, 2020 I danced for 8+ years and competed in international and national dance competitions. Reading is one of my passions (I’m a sucker for novels and self-help books). I won Israel’s Got Talent when I was 13 years old. When my mom was pregnant with me, she called me Unju. The first song I’ve ever performed was “Let it Go” (from Frozen). I am the director of the department of Creative Strategies in an anti-bullying NGO, Ni Uno Mas. I used to want to become a lawyer when I was younger (I still do sometimes). I have a Golden Retriever called “ Goldie” (very original I know). In celebration of her new single, we got to know 10 Fun Facts about Yael Danon. “Surprisingly there was quite a good amount of drama in my life during quarantine (I have no clue how), and decided I wanted to write about it,” Yael shared about her new music. The 16-year-old trilingual singer/songwriter’s new track is the first single from her upcoming EP Diary Girl. Yael Danon has released her latest single “ Teddy Bears,” along with the accompanying music video!